Saturday, June 30, 2012

Guess What?

Just about everything Connor says lately begins with "Guess what?"  Most of the time, he uses this phrase to make sure that he has your attention.  You're not expected to actually guess what he's going to say but you do have to verbally acknowledge that you are listening to him.  "What?" is usually the acceptable answer.  Also acceptable is the ever-popular "chicken butt", though that is known to lead to a tangent of silliness.

On our way home today, Connor started to feel the effects of a full day of summer activities.  After a few yawns, the boy's brain started bouncing from one topic to another, firing off "guess whats" left and right.  It's his way of talking through the tired.  Here's a sampling of our car ride's conversation:

"Guess what?"


"There's something in my body that's tickling me. Guess what?"


"Every day, everyone's phone is wrong. Guess what?"


"Nobody ever dies on Mercury. Guess what?"


"Snow melts but snowflakes don't."

By the time we got home, I was tired enough for the both of us.  Trying to wrap my brain around these statements and how he comes up with this stuff is exhausting.  Guess what?  zzzzzzzz


  1. M. starts almost every sentence with, "Hey, Mom." She has done this since she was about 3. I finally outlawed the phrase. It hasn't mattered. Still hear it almost 8 years later about 150 times a day. That's 438,000 times. For your sake, I really hope that Connor outgrows that phrase.

    1. "Hey, Mom" was replaced by "guess what" within the past few months. After 438,000 times, I think even the phrase "Congratulations on winning the lottery" would get tiring.

    2. I ended up having to tell M. about this post - when we were getting ready to leave for our 4th of July week at my parents' farm, I heard, "Hey, Mom..." at least 10 times within the span of 30 minutes. I started to get very annoyed and decided to just ignore her whenever she started a sentence that way. After two more instances of, "Hey Mom," that I completely pretended didn't happen, I hear, from across the hallway, "Hey, Mom - guess what?" And I just started laughing hysterically.

  2. Guess What?
    Yea...I'm a Babaloo-ser. ;-)

    1. Having only seen him once, I am not fortunate enough to be able to quote him. But I am an aspiring Babaloo-ser. Does that count?
