Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Future Hermit

Connor: "I'm not going back to my school anymore."
Me: "Why not?"
Connor: (deep sigh) "I just wasn't born to go to school.  I was born to be by myself and make up my own rules."

I decide to play the "what if" game with him, asking him what his rules would be if he was by himself.  While I do believe that some of them are loosely based on Curious George episodes, I was pretty impressed that a boy who didn't like rules could actually come up with seven on his own.  

House Rule #1
You can paint inside or outside of the house on anything.

House Rule #2
You can eat bananas with your feet.

House Rule #3
There is no furniture, except for a dining table and chairs.
     Part of House Rule #3 is that there is a dining room.

House Rule #4
There is a TV and in order to watch TV, you have to sit on a dining chair.

House Rule #5
No coffee (When asked about this rule, he explained, "Because if I was a dad, I wouldn't like coffee.")

House Rule #6
You cannot make papier mache because if someone thinks it's a kind of a food, they won't like it.

House Rule #7
Five stools

Now, I'm not sure if these are going to be posted in his Fortress of Solitude, so you might want to make sure you commit them to memory before visiting.  And if you do visit, make sure you do NOT tell him what to do.

1 comment:

  1. I hope to visit...so I'm writing down the rules now. Thanks.
